
Main strategic aim of ‘Ecoinvest Assets” JSC is the preservation of human health and the environment from harmful impacts caused by the collection, transportation, storage and dumping of waste, and the stimulation of utilization of waste, and the usage of utilized materials. Specific goal of the company is the operation of a Plant for municipal solid waste treatment and the achieving of high and economically expedient level of recycling and decrease of the volume of the waste put to landfill; as well as the application of other forms of utilization of MSW, generated on theterritory ofVarna Municipality and the region.

The activities with waste in the Republicof Bulgariaare subject to special legislation – the Waste Management Act (WMA) and the Environment Preservation Act (EPA). A major principal of the WMA is that the municipalities should construct waste treatment facilities regionally. The MSW treatment plant that ‘Ecoinvest Assets’ JSC is operating is a part of the Regional system for waste management of Varna region, which includes the municipalities of Varna, Aksakovo and Beloslav. The regional system for waste management is a combination of all measures, which the municipalities undertake to achieve effective treatment of the total quantity of the waste generated on the territory of the region, according to the requirements of art.4, clause 1 from the Waste Management Act, and fulfillment of the requirements according to art.16 from WTA. The system should guarantee that the waste is gathered, separated, transported, stored, treated and made harmless according to the legal requirements. At this present moment the Plant for municipal solid waste treatment of ‘Ecoinvest Assets’ JSC is the only real alternative option for ecological treatment of the wastes of Varna and its region, having into consideration the time and the money needed for the construction of the future Regional system for waste management and the capacity of the current landfill for MSW in Vaglen village, Aksakovo municipality.